
class lamindb.core.Context

Bases: object

Run context.

Enables convenient data lineage tracking by managing a transform & run upon track() & finish().

Guide: Track notebooks, scripts & functions


Is typically used via the global context object via ln.track() and ln.finish():

>>> import lamindb as ln
>>> ln.track()
>>> # do things
>>> ln.finish()


property description: str | None

description argument for context.transform.

property project: Project | None

Project to label entities created during the run.

property run: Run | None

Managed run of context.

property transform: Transform | None

Managed transform of context.

property uid: str | None

uid argument for context.transform.

property version: str | None

version argument for context.transform.



Finish a tracked run.

  • writes a timestamp: run.finished_at

  • saves the source code: transform.source_code

  • saves a run report:

When called in the last cell of a notebook:

  • prompts to save the notebook in your editor right before

  • prompts for user input if not consecutively executed


ignore_non_consecutive (None | bool, default: None) – Whether to ignore if a notebook was non-consecutively executed.

Return type:



>>> import lamindb as ln
>>> ln.track()
>>> # do things while tracking data lineage
>>> ln.finish()

See also

lamin save or lamin save notebook.ipynbdocs

track(transform=None, *, project=None, params=None, new_run=None, path=None)

Track a global run of your Python session.

  • sets transform & run by creating or loading Transform & Run records

  • saves Python environment as a requirements.txt file: run.environment

If sync_git_repo is set, checks whether a script-like transform exists in a git repository and links it.

  • transform (str | Transform | None, default: None) – A transform uid or record. If None, creates a uid.

  • project (str | None, default: None) – A project name or uid for labeling entities created during the run.

  • params (dict | None, default: None) – A dictionary of parameters to track for the run.

  • new_run (bool | None, default: None) – If False, loads the latest run of transform (default notebook), if True, creates new run (default non-notebook).

  • path (str | None, default: None) – Filepath of notebook or script. Only needed if it can’t be automatically detected.

Return type:



To track the run of a notebook or script, call:

>>> ln.track()

If you want to ensure a single version history across renames of the notebook or script, pass the auto-generated uid that you’ll find in the logs:

>>> ln.track("Onv04I53OgtT0000")  # example uid, the last four characters encode the version of the transform